New bus connections at Okehampton station to and from Bude and Launceston

Take the bus to catch the train. Direct buses Bude, Launceston and Holsworthy - Okehampton station, connecting with trains

As of 30th October, there are now direct bus connections at Okehampton station to and from Bude, Holsworthy and Launceston, timed with trains. The Launceston service is financially supported by Cornwall Council and Devon County Council.

Full bus timetables:

Train times:

Rail-bus journey planner:

  • Plan your rail-bus journey on the Traveline website.

Summary bus timetable:

Summary bus timetable

The new bus connections are in addition to the 118 Rail Link bus which provides bus connections (timed with trains) at Okehampton station to and from Lydford, Brentor and Tavistock.